The Spin Newsletter

Mission Statement: To promote the abilities of people with disabilities through education

Inside this Issue:

New! - Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Has Impacted Me - By Chris Hawkey as told to Michael Cohn

Arc Minnesota "Snap Shots"

Instant Searchable Access to Expert Advocates Ready to Help the 6.5 Million Children in the U.S. with Special Needs

What’s wrong with whom? - by Bill Dingfelder

What Does it Take to Be an Effective Advocate? - by Lisa Simmons
Doctors Need to Slow Down - by Michael Cohn
Workforce Possibilities for Promotional Products Practitioners - by Michael Cohn
The Miracle of Botox - by Michael Cohn
Don't Pat Me - by Michael Cohn
What I am mad about this month - By Leigh Clemons
Ordering Accessible Tickets at the Historic State, Orpheum, or Pantages Theatres
Gait Lab - by Michael Cohn
U of M Med. School updates - by Sara Axtel
Life Editorial - Achieving Independence - By Steve Zent
Promote Awareness Video Update

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"The Spin" is a quarterly newsletter written by Promote Awareness. People and organizations that are involved in disabilities issues submit articles. In "The Spin" you will find information on disability culture, history, employment, and much more. Please see our website for monthly updates.