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Cerebral Palsy's Conference on Sexuality and People with
Physical Disabilities
October 12, 2002
Four Points Sheraton
400 North Hamline Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55104
People with disabilities have the right to experience and fulfill their
sexuality, an important expression of their individuality. To do so they
need information about their bodies, physical function, values, and the
subtleties of friendship, dating, love and intimacy.
The purpose of the
conference is to inform and contribute positively to the dialogue on sexuality
in a way that will empower a person to recognize their options and their
recognize their options and their responsibilities and be reflective of
their personal beliefs and values.
The conference will have three tracks with information geared for the
respective audiences. One track will be for teens; one for adults and
their partners, caregivers, and families; and one for health car professionals.
Content has been carefully developed to address a variety of topics including;
Sexual Health Education, Legal issues, Anatomy & Facets of Sensuality/Sexuality,
Protection, Forms of Abuse; Sexual, Emotional, Financial, Working Relationships
with PCAs, Meeting Your Need for Creating Family, Spasticity Management,
and Qualities of Good Relationship
Call Carol at 651-646-7588
for more info